Fiji to Sydney to Port Douglas…

Departure from Fiji – it has been a great 3 days, but boy is Sydney a nice place to go to too! Especially if you can visit Maile, Charlie and their kids (one who give up his room for Alicia and Leendert!)

DepartFiji SidneyResidence1


The view from the top of the roof is stunning (but pales against the hospitality) and the fun Heidi and the kids have with the extended family. It is amazing what joy ex-colleagues can bring!


It was a short stay, and off went to Port Douglas. A lovely place Heidi has found and it was a serious homework day. Let there be no doubt, book reports are written, math is hammered home, English is being taken very seriously…. it is just the environment is slightly different!


Alicia in class – followed by Leendert with private tutoring…




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