Category Archives: Backpack 4

Adelaide – avoiding the bush fires….

Staying in a great place, bush fires keep us local – eating at the Pannekoekenhuis: Poffertjes, Broodje Kroket, Uitsmijter, Frikandel Speciaal en Bitterballen.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  EmergencyMessage PannekoekenHuis



The day today

Today we went to the museum. We also went koala spotting.


The museum:

Dad wanted to see some aboriginal art. He had found the Art museum on the Internet but we did not find it, but we only realized that after we were done and driving out. Instead we went to a museum called South Australia museum. There, they did have aboriginal things, but that was at the beginning. The rest was very much like animals. They had a giant squid that went up 4 whole stories (it was a mannequin, of course). Not the thing you want to meet in the wild. They also had at leas 100 different kinds of boomerangs and like 1,000 weapons. They had one hall that had wild animals from Europe to Africa and to well… many other places.




Koala spotting:

I wanted to see a koala, in the wild. I had carried a koala, in a wildlife habitat, but seeing one in the wild, that was something else. I finely figured out what it was, not many people look for them, so not many people do see them. We got to see 15, at least. Our favorite one, I spotted. There were three reasons why. One is we did not have to turn around, two there were no cars behind us so we could see it very well, and three, the best of all, it was STRAIGHT over out head. It was awesome.


So yes, a WONDERFUL day is what we had.


This page needs no comment,…. but I will do it anyway.  Now officially of the bucket list:  Sydney Bridge at midnight of the New Year!

The hours before (we reserved a nice dinner…)


and at midnight:

SydneyFirework2  SydneyFireworks1

Visit to see Quokkas

Nanne’s Christmas gift:  idyllic Island, bikes and sunshine!

Did about 40KM, and had time to play on the beach


Rottnest Island is off the coast of Perth.

Screen Shot 2014-12-27 at 12.57.15

A great Christmas day

Christmas day, it is official, Leendert is taller than Mom! Christmas diner is a blast!


NanneAlBBQ ChristmasDinner


Pavlova nanneAliciaCloseFlowers

Christmas beach swim in Perth

O how fun it is at Oom Nanne’s – In Perth people go with Christmas hats to the beach for a swim,.. and a splash


Art Class – learning Aboriginal painting

A 2 hour aboriginal painting class arranged by Heidi. Great experience wonderful thing to do.  Afternoon was school work followed by the usual swim.

AboriginalArtFamily AboriginalArtAlicia


the Bilboa pool…


Snapper Island – Sailing with (too much?) water…

We sailed to Snapper Island (beautiful) and no one but us.  We did the snorkelling, which had nice corals, but the water was a bit milky (we are soooo spoiled).


The brochure showed a nice sunset return… but Alicia had more fun!

IndigoBoat get dad wet! OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

where it happened?

SnapperIsland2014-12-22 at 09.53.39

DILO (day in the life of …) in Port Douglas

A regular working day in pictures (Alicia Focussed). School in the apartment, short exit to the pool, visit to the local wildlife habitat, Alicia Skyping with AIS  Vienna. BBQ in the evening. Nice and easy.

HWH port Douglas AliciaKangaroo

CrocPortDouglas AliciaSkypeClass

The rest of the family at the Habitat.

HoKangaroo LeenderKangaroo


Great Barrier Reef (part 1a)

This just the download of the distance and place travelled…

Garmin to Great Barrier Scuba

This to show what we did….: The boat, pre-scuba, Scuba, Snorkel and (of course) post water-sport!

calypso @ reef 01 copy OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

LeenPapaSeeCucumb HoAliciaSnorkle