Longji rice terraces

We were taken from the hotel at 8:30. Though the trip was mainly for the rice terraces, we made a few other stops. The first was just a pit stop for the guide to get the tickets to some things however, we admired the beautiful man made waterfall following the crystal clear reflective water (pictures 1&2). The first “real stop we made was in a little town of 200 people. Their culture was very different to the one of a normal Chinese. They think of their hair as their longevity so they grow it out and keep it clean all the time (picture 3). Then we got to the Longji rice terraces. There we first took a bubble up to the top of the hills (picture 4). We then took a long path through the hills on a little stone path leading to absolutely gorgeous views (picture 5). After we went back to the hotel. The last picture is from on the way over. This was approximately 2 times clearer than the way back (picture 6).

AliciaLeendertWaterfall ReflectiveWaterLongCleanHairBubbleLongjiViewLongjiMistRoad

2 thoughts on “Longji rice terraces”

  1. Very interesting post! I’d love to hear more about this Chinese village. Is that the only place where they believe their hair is related to their longevity?

    1. Touchy subject for me and walter,…. 😉
      Not sure they link it to longevity. With a town in the mountains holding 200 inhabitants I fear gene mutation would get in the way of any reasonable medical conclusions!

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